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来源:常山信息港 发表时间:2019-11-17 18:22

2019未来科学大奖颁奖典礼正在举行,王贻芳、陆锦标、邵峰、王小云等2019未来科学大奖的获奖者、杨振宁薛其坤、刘小乐等众多世界顶尖科学家、著名投资人徐小平、沈南鹏等的豪华阵容开始走红毯啦  新浪科技讯 11月17日下午,举世瞩目的2019未来科学大奖颁奖典礼在北京中国大饭店成功举行。现场,邵峰、王贻芳、陆锦标、王小云4位科学家获颁2019未来科学大奖。未来科学大奖的捐赠人、科学委员会委员、监督委员会主席、2019年未来科学大奖的获奖者及家人、未来论坛的理事、机构理事、青年理事、青创联盟代表,未来科学大奖周Steering Committee及Program Committee委员,往届获奖人代表,商界领袖、艺术家等悉数出席,与现场观众共同见证了“生命科学奖”、“物质科学奖”及“数学与计算机科学奖”的颁奖盛典。
  中国“诺奖” 让中国科学站在世界舞台中央

  Today is a big day in my life. It is a great honor for me to have this very special prize. Thank you, the organizing committee, the evaluation team of experts, and the sponsors for this prize. Thank you all, for your trust and recognition of my research progress.
  Over the past years of my education and working experience, I have got a lot of support and help from many people. Here today, I'd also like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for my supervisors and other teachers, my family members, my colleagues, as well as my students.
  My special thanks also go to Tsinghua University and Shandong University. I have always been working very happily in these two wonderful universities of learning.
  For me, today is also a day of new beginning. We are lucky to be enjoying the best time of our country. We shouldn't rest on what we have achieved. We shouldn't even take a break. In the pursuit of further discovery and progress, we still need to make more efforts. We must do it.
  Cryptology is core technique and basic support of network security. It not only deals with the security of network, but also provides convenience and service for network society and digital economy. Perhaps, only a few people are familiar with cryptology. But I take strong interest and show great enthusiasm in this area of study. We actually help to make the society and people's lives more safe and more secure. It is always my sincere hope, through our professional efforts, people may suffer from fewer risks and economic losses in their lives.
  Young people are the future of our country. They need supervision and assistance in their academic pursuit. I will try my best to support young scientists in their study and research programs. I hope more young people could get interested in the area of cryptology. 



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